Caminhos do São Francisco 1.2.0
Desembarcar em Maceió para conhecer o estadode Alagoas, ou chegar em qualquer uma das 12 cidades ribeirinhas doRio São Francisco, numa manhã de sol, para um período de férias ousimplesmente um final de semana, é daqueles acontecimentos quelavam a alma. Daí em diante é aproveitar e curtir uma das maioresriquezas natural e cultural do país, conhecer pessoas com históriasinteressantes para contar, e por onde andar ouvirá que D. Pedro IItambém esteve por lá. Você ainda vai se deslumbrar com as váriaspaisagens que em cada lugar o rio não se cansa de nos encantar. Ocontraste com a caatinga é a marca resgistrada desse lugar que nosleva ao sossego, a experimentar coisas simples e singelas. Mas sepreferir vá navegar nas águas profundas dos canions do Rio SãoFrancisco e se sobrar folego vale a pena encarar as atividades demergulho, rapel e tirolesa, não deixando de fazer o passeio doencontro do rio com o mar,seja de buggy, lancha ou barco. Oimportante é desfrutar das belezas naturais e culturais do destino.O convite está feito. Agora baixe o aplicativo do Caminhos do SãoFrancisco para ter mais informações e venha se encantar.Land in Maceio to knowthe state of Alagoas, or get any of the 12 cities bordering the RioSão Francisco, in a sunny morning for a vacation or just a weekend,those events is to wash the soul. Thereafter is to take advantageand enjoy one of the largest natural and cultural wealth of thecountry, meet people with interesting stories to tell, and where togo to hear D. Pedro II was also there. You will still be dazzled bythe various landscapes that in every place the river never ceasesto enchant us. The contrast with the savanna is the brandresgistrada this place that leads to peace, to experience thingssimple and uncomplicated. But if you prefer to go surfing in thewaters of the deep canyons of the Rio São Francisco and be leftbreathless worth face activities diving, rappelling and zip lining,whilst making the tour of the meeting of the river to the sea, isbuggy, boat or boat. The important thing is to enjoy the naturalbeauty and cultural destination. The invitation is there. Nowdownload the application from the Paths of San Francisco to havemore information and will be charmed.
Carriere Ortho 3D 1.1.4
This application, personally designed byDr.Lluis Carriere, with animations provided by 3Dcuatro anddevelopedby Barcelona Media, shows the advantages of the CarrièreDistalizerresearch results in the correction of variousmalocclusions.Looking for a great way to increase patient acceptanceoforthodontic treatment? Let the Carriere® Ortho 3D applicationhelpmake your life a little easier with assisting you inpatienteducation of your Carriere products.This application lets you take advantage of high-qualitypatienteducation tools geared towards the benefits of Carriereproductshelping you easily educate your patients, and convert moreinitialvisits into treatments.Features and benefits you’ll start implementing today:.State-of-the-art interactive 3D appliances.View and interact with all aspects of the self-ligating bracketanddistalizer-360º usability.Don’t just zoom in and out, turn the product to the view thatbestsuits your needs.Walk patients through their orthodontic treatment withCarriereSelf-Ligating Brackets.Show patients how the Carriere Distalizer will perform intheirmouth.Easily learn how to determine which distalizer size is bestforyour treatment.Get assistance on determining which treatment option is bestforyour case.Easy to use saving you and your staff timeThis is a new generation of software based on virtual realityin3-D. It is a project designed and directed by Dr. Luis Carrièreinwhich the Class II Div. 1 and Div. 2 orthodontic treatment canbevisually demonstrated, creating a 3-D image for each structureanda library of materials containing all kinds of arches,auxiliarycomponents and links needed in the technique, defining theshape ofeach element and giving it consistency so it can achievethesemblance of reality, needed for a perfectvisualreproduction.Giving all the elements a 3-D configuration and inter-relatingthemin an orderly way.In this way, the movement of the teeth can be observed in allthestages of the treatment, in the three planes of space, withmouthopen or in occlusion and in real time. Furthermore, it alsoallowsus to appreciate its characteristics with great detail,avoidingany kind of confusion as we can use the zoom and totalinteractionin real time.